To the Ministry of Environmental Protection Of Ukraine
We,the undersigned,
are absolutely horrified to read in the newspaper the following article,about shooting and burning animals as part of preparations of Eurofoot 2012. Ukrainian authorities are now using a MOBILE Crematorium to exterminate stray animals," By Lisichansk goes ... mobile crematorium
"Approached an original way to solve the problem of homeless animals in Lysychansk Luhansk region (eastern region of Ukraine). The local authority has acquired a mobile crematorium for the destruction of stray animals. Mobile team, consisting of a driver, operator and arrow, hunting for stray dogs with a special gun - shpritsemeta. Next umertvlennyh animals are cremated in a special furnace utilizer at 900 degrees. Crematorium on wheels cost the city about 198 thousand UAH. (About U.S. $ 30 000). He transferred to the balance of public road transport enterprise "Kommuntrans", which is engaged in the export of urban garbage.
According to residents Lisichansk, there are cases still burning alive of dogs and cats. However, the question of legality and morality does not care about the authorities of the city.
Until recently, in Lisichansk dogs destroyed by shooting. Now the government resorted to a "more modern, environmentally safe, in their view, the way the destruction of animals. Inspired by hunting, the power had forgotten about the Law of Ukraine "About %u0437%u0430%u0445%u0438%u0441%u0442 tvarin vid zhorstokogo povodzhennya.
Lisichansk - a small town (area - 101 sq. Km., Population - 106 thousand inhabitants). The concentration of homeless animals in it is not critical and could be easily brought under control. Money spent on the purchase of gas vans from the city budget (198 thousand UAH, which is about 30 thousand U.S. dollars) and dalneshie to spend on its services (the salary of three persons, procurement of drugs for immobilization of animals, fuel, service station) would be sufficient to address the problem of homeless animals through sterilization.
However, the power is not concerned about humane thoughts. Lisichansk offers dog-killers in other cities and districts of the region. Mobile gas vans widely advertised as a modern model for solving the problem of homeless animals.
By Angelica Komarova( google translatedWe, hereby, animal activists and animal lovers worldwide are protesting against this kind of "cleaning" and kindly ask you to stop this horrible abuse of homeless animals, which didnt asked to be on earth as a problem,please observe the LAW OF UKRAINE No. 3447 %u2013 IV
On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty
and find other, modern ,human ways as: spay neuter and release, building modern shelters for the stray animals.Untill you will kill the strays, we will encourage people not to visit your country and not to participate at Eurofoot 2012,Regards,
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