UCLA is harboring a group of dubious researchers, Pro-Test for Science. They are purveyors of propaganda, lies, manipulation, and deceit -- not truth. And, as they have done in the U.K., their network threatens to spread across the U.S. like a virus. It is important to understand that Big Pharma, not the American Medical Association, helped build Pro-Test, created their own public relations branch, Speaking of Research, and even paid to put their chosen spokesperson in place.
Scientists do not hold rallies or manipulate mainstream emotions.
Scientists do not hire armed thugs to guard the closed doors behind which their public discussions take place.
Scientists do not intentionally lie to us.
Scientists do not hide accomplishments.
Scientists are not threatened by exposure.
Unfortunately, all of these things are the domain of UCLA's Pro-Test for Science. They are not scientists.
We no longer find this group to be credible or even worth engaging. The debate about the scientific validity of animal experimentation does little more than perpetuate itself and, since Pro-Test has rendered this discussion virtually useless, we want to talk about human decency. We want to see the animals that are hidden away. We demand transparency.
We are unconcerned about the Animal Welfare Act and humane experiments. Your researchers consistently fail to mention that 90% of lab animals are excluded from protection. They also fail to mention that the Act regulates confinement, starvation, dehydration, sensory depravation, how to cause severe pain, how to poison, blind, maim, paralyze, burn, torture, and kill sentient animals.
Dr. Dario Ringach has been researching the eyes of monkeys, cats, and dogs for years -- paralyzing them, gluing coils and metal rods to their eyeballs, allowing them to languish in misery for extended periods, and then killing them. UCLA allows his experiments to continue because they
are reaping the benefit of our tax dollars.
Dr. J. David Jentsch has been using a variety of narcotics to addict monkeys, dogs, and cats so that he may then drive them insane. He confines, injures, torments, and murders them. His journals indicate that he%u2019s been doing this for over a decade to countless victims. UCLA allows his experiments to continue because they are reaping the benefit of our tax dollars.
This is not science. It is violence and obscenity. The debate is over.
We demand to see the animals hidden away in UCLA's labs.
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