The Australian live animal export industry is inherently cruel, inhumane and immoral.
In the last three decades, Australia has sent more than one-hundred-and-fifty-million sheep and cattle to the Middle East. More than two-and-a-half-million animals have died on ships whilst en route to their destination.
Most importing countries do not have laws to protect the welfare of animals. Upon arrival, Australian sheep are routinely purchased, restrained and forced into the boots of cars. Both sheep and cattle are then slaughtered by having their throats cut whilst fully conscious.
The Australian live animal export industry is indifferent to the suffering of millions of animals. However, there are alternatives to this practice. For more information, please go to the Animals Australia website:
'Cultural tradition', which is driven by profit, is not reason enough to brutalise animals.
Please add your name to this petition and let the Australian Government know that the live animal export is both inhumane and immoral.
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