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This photo raised since then hundreds, perhaps thousands of comments expressing pain, horrors and indignation, both by the deplorable state of Casimiro's death, stating a criminal negligence by the "information" cruelly denied by the photo published affirming that Casimiro had died of a degenerative disease, had been very love, cured and attended.
As high of mockery ghoulish and cynicism spoke to elevate a monument.
In the pages cited we have assertions in reality not necessary to the seen of the photo of the terrible agony of Casimiro lying on a flat rude and dirty floor, which had been warned much to the press when it was time to remedy and nothing was done.
The comments on the Venezuelans press indicate that several or all of the zoos in Venezuela are in a deplorable state and that the society for the protection of animals that receives money for their suppose work "do-nothing".
The object of the petition is: - The immediate closing of the Park of Guaricha in the town hall of Maturin, Monegas or their leaders' substitution for good enabled people and with budget control and use;- The punishment of those leaders; - Surveillance to prevent their directors to can reemprender a similar activity; - The institution of a commission of control of all the parks or zoological of the country and to apply them the same measures that in the first application.
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