Laurie Crouch is a 23 year old woman who lives with multiple sclerosis from a wheelchair. Her 3 year old pet pit bull and service dog, Gooch was killed October 14, 2010 during a routine nail clip by a groomer who makes home visits.
The groomer cut Gooch's quick and the dog struggled. Laurie watched helplessly as the groomer wrapped a leash around Gooch's muzzle and lifted him off the ground by a prong collar. The groomer and her assistant both literally sat on the dog to get the nail clip done. Laurie instructed the groomer to stop the nail clip but she refused, telling Laurie she came all this way and she intended to finish the job and get paid.
Gooch died right in front of Laurie's eyes. A necropsy determined cause of death as suffocation and found brain and liver hemorrhaging. Gooch had bloody foam in his throat by the time the groomer finished.
The police are still investigating and are working with the county prosecutor to determine IF charges will be brought against the groomer. Please sign this petition asking Oakland County Prosecutor, Jessica R. Cooper to file charges against Gooch's killer and ask for the maximum sentence allowed by law.
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