Target: The Hon. Joe Ludwig, Australia's Minister of Agriculture
Sponsored by: World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
We need your help! Socking new video has come to light of Australian cattle being tortured in Indonesian slaughterhouses. The footage, captured by Animals Australia and reviewed by RSPCA Australia, shows terrified cattle being beaten, enduring intense pain and agonizingly slow deaths.
View it to the left, but please be warned, it contains graphic material.
Public outcry from this footage has been unprecedented and the Australian Government has put a temporary ban on live cattle going to Indonesia. BUT this terrible video is just one example of the cruelty involved in the live animal export trade. Many more animals are still suffering and this ban could be lifted in as little as six months.
Live animal export to ALL countries needs to end now!
Sign this petition to Australia's Minister of Agriculture and stand alongside 100,000 Australians who want to see an end to the unnecessary and inhumane live export trade.
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