Smokey: On July 31st, Smokey was found by animal control a couple days after acid had been dumped on him, found as a stray. Smokey was left alone to suffer unimaginable pain and eventually death. The rescuer received an urgent plea from Kern County Shelter they had this puppy that needed urgent medical attention. Smokey did not arrive to his rescue until August 5th due to the severity of his burns and wanting to make sure he was stable enough for the trip down to San Diego. He initially received vet care in Bakersfield, bandage changes, pain medications and antibiotics.
The rescuer immediately took him to the hospital; Animal Medical Center in El Cajon, CA. Smokey was hospitalized for close to three weeks receiving treatments for his burns.
As of today, October 22nd 2009 Smokey is still receiving bandage treatments, remains on antibiotics to prevent infections and is scheduled for surgery on the 29th of October to repair the damage to the back of his neck. Smokey will probably have nerve damage the remainder of his life.
Smokey is now 5 months old and although he endured such torture remains to be very sweet, great temperament & very loving. He absolutely loves people and loves other animals. Smokey is a true testament of forgiveness, with such a wonderfully, gentle spirit.
Charlie: On October 15th the same rescuer received another urgent message from the Kern County Shelter that another puppy was found with severe burns from chemicals, now determined to be acid. Charlie was transported to San Diego, CA on October 16th and immediately taken into Animal Medical Center in El Cajon, CA.
On Monday October 19th, Charlie underwent two intense surgeries to remove infected skin in hopes that his wounds can be healed & sewed together & pieced back together the remaining healthy skin. Charlie also has 4 drains in him to help reduce any infection. Charlie is believed to have been caged for an undetermined amount of time. His back legs are weak, no muscle tone & he is severely malnourished with protruding hip bones and all of his ribs show. He also has problems with his front paws. When standing or walking all pads are on the floor rather than just his front toes. Similar to being flat footed. The doctors believe this will be able to be corrected with proper nutrition and exercise.
These dogs had not just lost their way, however. Both puppies had been purposely doused with acid which severely burned them! It is not a coincidence that they were found two months apart and in the same vicinity.
1 ) We are asking Kern officials to open an investigation to find person/people responsible for these crimes.
2 ) To issue Kern County wide News/Media broadcast notifying residents of the county of the crimes committed and encouraging people to come forward to offer any information that will lead to arrest and conviction.
3) We are asking Kern officials to issue a memo that will go out to every dog owner in the county, stating that the crime of this nature is a criminal offense and anyone committing such act(s) will be prosecuted at the full extent of the law.
4) We are asking Sheriff' department to distribute the fliers created offering a $5000.00 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of person(s) responsible for these crimes.
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