Dear Mr/Mrs,
I am writing to ask you to do all you can to support measures to ban the import, export and trade in products made from cat and dog fur. I am against the killing of any animal for their fur, but I feel this trade is particularly cruel and inhumane.
Cats and dogs are bred for their fur in Asia and their eventual slaughter is horrific shown at An estimated 2,000,000 dogs and cats are killed every year for the fur trade, mostly in the Far East, in countries such as China and the Philippines. A recent undercover investigation by the “Humane Society of the United States” in China, Thailand and the Philippines showed animals being slaughtered in the most cruel ways imaginable, with cats and dogs being beaten, strangled, drowned and stripped of their fur, often when they are still alive.
Dog and cat fur is used in a wide variety of products including fur coats and jackets, hats, gloves, decorative accessories, blankets...
Many of the pelts are intentionally mislabelled as fictional creatures such as Asian Jackal and Gaewolf or are labelled simply as 'animal by-products'. It is vital do something to stop it.
Yours sincerely,
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