The bill would make this crime a Class H felony. It is currently a Class A misdemeanor. G.S. 14-360(a1)
Also, under GS 14-360(b) any person who would "maliciously torture, mutilate, maim, cruelly beat, disfigure, poison, or kill, or cause or procure to be tortured, mutilated, maimed, cruelly beaten, disfigured, poisoned, or killed, any animal" would be guilty of a Class H felony instead of the current Class I felony.
H.B. 1690 is named for Susie, a puppy that was beaten and burned; the little animal was left for dead. LaShawn Whitehead, Susie's abuser, received a sentence of 4-6 months in jail for burning personal property and a 4-5 month suspended sentence for animal cruelty. That's it.
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