given every opportunity to recover in a bit of peace and quiet, for as long it takes...before any further plans to behaviour / temperament test him are carried out.
PLEASE GIVE SARGE some time to heal...after his MAJOR TRAUMA.
Before ANY talks or threat of any EUTHANASIA / KILLING of Sarge are made, the options of going to a RESCUE group, having REHAB/ TRAINING at a Specialist Behaviour Dog Facility, or going to live at a SANCTUARY must be all explored first please !
EUTHANASING...must ONLY a last resort.
PLEASE SIGN and SHARE this new petition for our Sarge!
After all he's been through, he must be allowed as much time to heal as possible, before any further calls on his future are made by the Court or Authorities.
SARGE deserves to live a new and happy..cruelty free life. ************************
Rescue group?
SPECIALIST Behaviour Training.. Dog Handlers? eg: BEST FRIENDS/ DOG TOWN or the RMDT in Colorado.
Or....a sanctuary where he can live out his life.
SARGES story.
Sarge was in his cage, and then shot 6 TIMES by his former owner Lawrence Mick , and his pal Adam Collins on July 9th 2010.
Sarge survived all this..and is one hell of a great dog!!!!
Who...after all he's been through DESERVES only to have a new and happy life far away from his previous ones.
Sarge is currently recovering at the TAHS..Toledo Area Humane Society in Ohio.
SARGE was handed over to the TAHS, after court proceedings on July 23rd 2010..where L Mick relinquished all his ownership rights to him.
When the TAHS took control of Sarge on the 23rd July..he still had insitu 6 of which was still in his ear!
Sarge has spent a lot of time with the wonderful TAHS medical and behavioral staff since he was transferred to TAHS on July 23.
1/ UPDATE ON SARGE...from the TAHS.
July 27th 2010.
The Toledo Area Humane Society (TAHS) would like to again thank everyone for their ongoing support and concern for Sarge.
Sarge has spent a lot of time with our medical and behavioral staff since he was transferred to TAHS on July 23. Because of unprovoked and unpredictable aggressive behavior, we have determined that we will be unable to adopt Sarge directly to the public. Our veterinary staff does not believe his aggression stems from any medical issue. We are still evaluating whether he is a candidate for transfer to a rescue or sanctuary. We have also contacted and are having Sarge evaluated by a Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist from The Ohio State University to help us make the best decision for him.
TAHS does not usually release information about animals not available for adoption, but we are making an exception to this practice because Sarge has captured the attention of the public and many people are concerned about him. Please know that The Toledo Area Humane Society is working hard to find the best possible outcome for Sarge while still considering what is in the best interest of public safety.
2/ UPDATE ON SARGE...from the TAHS
July 27th 2010.
One further update on Sarge %u2013 we have scheduled an appointment with the Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorist from The Ohio State University for Thursday of next week. TAHS staff will take Sarge to Columbus for a behavioral evaluation and consultation. Information from this evaluation will help us determine the best outcome for Sarge. We are also in discussion with rescue groups and sanctuaries who have expressed interest in Sarge, again to determine the best outcome for him. It is still our strong preference to transfer Sarge to a group who is capable of handling his behavioral issues. We consider humane euthanasia a means of last resort. Also, Sarge is evidence in an ongoing criminal trial and any decisions made regarding him will need to be approved by the court.
While we are waiting for the additional behavioral evaluation and The Toledo Area Humane Society (TAHS) would like to again thank everyone for your ongoing support and concern for Sarge.
See Sarges support page with over 3000 TEAM SARGE supporters!
THE TAHS FB PAGE...please visit this nice site..and leave your messages of support for Sarge.
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