Eric Skowron, 34, of Toledo, Ohio and Alisha Marie King, 29, of Lambertville, Michigan kidnap a neighbors dog, shoot him and then with no regard to his suffering, they dump him back home to die ... a surveillance video captured the kidnapping. Please note that the video (date stamp is 6/23/2010) is not graphic, because you don't witness the shooting - you see the kidnap, you see his return.
Skowron and King were charged with one count of prohibitions concerning companion animal torture and one count of killing or injuring animals.
The prosecutor%u2019s office is still considering additional charges against the pair for criminal trespass, illegal discharge of a firearm, petty theft, and filing a false police report.
This was absolutely pre-mediated and staged. They kidnapped Tyson, who calmly walks next to Alisha Marie King as she leads him off the property. They took him down the road, shot him, and called 911 to report Tyson attacked their dog. Then they took him back to his home and dumped him.
Police reports show that after kidnapping and shooting Tyson, Skowron called 911 to report that he had just shot a dog who was attacking his own dog. Officers found no evidence to substantiate Skowron's claim.
The video shows Tyson limping into his yard, he stumbles and collapses.
Tyson is very blessed to have survived! He is doing very well considering the extent of his injuries, but he is not out of the woods yet. He will require surgery to remove the injured eye and the bullets that are still left in his leg.
His owners are going to need help with his medical bills. You can go to any Fifth Third Bank to make a donation. "Tending for Tyson". If you do not have a Fifth Third Bank available, you can write a check for Tending for Tyson, on the memo line put %u201CCare of Tyson%u201D, and send it to Tending for Tyson, 1308 North Reynolds Road, Toledo, Ohio 43615. Tyson%u2019s even has a Facebook. Facebook users can join his support page, Tending for Tyson.
Eric Skowdon and Alisha King have to be extremely callous, calculating and disturbed people to do something this horrific to a defenseless animal who willingly left his home with these monsters, trusting them not to harm him - and how did they repay his loyalty?? It is obvious they repaid poor Tyson with evilness.
Tyson%u2019s owners want Skowron and King to pay Tyson%u2019s huge medical bills, which was last reported to be up to $7,000.
I think that they should also be charged with absolutely every thing that the prosecutor can add to his list.
The Chief Prosecutor is David L. Toska. The office address is: Toledo Municipal Court Building, 555 N. Erie Street, Toledo, OH 43604 phone: 419.245.1975, fax: 419.245.1083. If you choose to contact the Prosecutor personally, please keep in mind that it never hurts to be polite and to the point. State your case, express your outrage, suggest they look at changing the laws if there is nothing else they can do.
You can see he hesitated as she walked him away, I don't think he wanted to go with her. Such a beautiful baby who was victim to such unimaginable cruelty. I am so sorry he was hurt.
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