What sort of person shoots a lion?
In 2007 the then Minister of Environment, Marthinus van Schalk Wyk, created such a lame piece of legislation that today, on appeal by the Association of Predator Breeders, it has been over-turned by a High-Court judge. The result, canned hunting is back in business in South Africa.
it is therefore once again possible to pay upwards of $20'000 to have a captive bred lion released into a small enclosure where you can, from behind the safety of a fence, shoot the animal with your high caliber rifle, (like the proud folk in this photograph).
Clearly this practice is abhorrent, as is the breeding and cruel slaughter of animals for the sole purpose of profiteering.
Please add your signature and circulate this to anyone who will take a moment to add theirs. These magnificent creatures do not deserve this fate, and they need your help to bring this to an end for once and for all.
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