Justice for Guerreiro, the pitbull tortured and sexually abused in Sao Paulo, Brazil - The Petition Site
Guerreiro __ whose name, in Portuguese, means "great fighter" __ has lived up to his name.The poor animal was attacked, beaten and stabbed by hooligans for 4 days.He was also raped and sexually abused and had a wire put into his genital organs.Brazil has a sad history for not punishing animal offenders. Usually, unfortunately, nothing happens when these totures are reported to the authorities: they even refuse to make a policial record of the facts.To everyone's surprise and joy the animal survived to this brutality. He was found and helped by local citizens on the 18yh January 2011. The massacre happened on a house at Estrada do Alvarenga, São Paulo. Please help us to demand justice for him and harsh punishment fot these criminals. This cannot be allowed to go unpunished.

Justice for Guerreiro, the pitbull tortured and sexually abused in Sao Paulo, Brazil - The Petition Site
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