Please SIGN to help SAVE Piggy from an unjust termination.
Piggy is a lovable, eternal puppy that is loved by all...although currently not loved by Riverside Humane officers, her nieghbors, or the jogger that she scared. Piggy has been impounded for scaring a jogger, she did not maul anyone or anything. Her love of the outside world found her on her second offense for escaping the family yard, which is a 1/2 acre, fenced in, secure doggy playground. So that is what what can be done. Please share her story. Piggy and family will learn her fate, which yesterday (7/19) it has been determined, it is strongly recommended by the courts and the family neighbor, that she be "destroyed". This will happen in now 5 days of her 14 day hold.
Piggy is a Pit Bull. What does that statement mean to you? Well to her family, she is a laughable, eternal puppy, loved by all who meet her, two or four legged. She is surrounded by people pets, and children all the time, because if you knew her family, there is always a reason to celebrate at their house. Piggy's #1 fan, besides her mama, is her 2 year old human niece, Stella. Yesterday, during the hearing, the cries of Stella were heard, while wearing a "Free Piggy" tee-shirt of "PIGGY OUT", "GrAnnie, PIGGY OUT"!
There are families who are not responsible with their pets...this is not the case. Just recently the world was brought to their knees with the case of Lennox, the N. Irelend Pit Mix that was impounded for 2 yrs for measuring to be of a "Pit Bull" type dog, not for any action of his. After the worlds cries to release him...he was "destroyed". Yet less then 2 weeks later a very similar story is being played out in the US.
Please help us release Piggy back to her loving family. We truly believe that Piggy can be saved. Share this group, send information, or just PRAY! Share your stories and photos in support of Piggy, the family pet.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Piggy's loving family and friends
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