April is a dangerous time for whales in Norwegian waters: it marks the start of whaling season. This year, up to 1,286 minke whales will die from exploding harpoon and rifle wounds. Norway needs to know that this is unacceptable, NOW.
Norway is one of just three countries defying the international ban on commercial whaling, undermining its reputation as a progressive nation concerned with animal welfare.
The sheer size of whales, coupled with the challenging hunting environment, means that there is simply no humane way to kill these animals at sea.
Norway’s own data shows that at least one in five hunted whales suffers a long, agonising death. Some take over an hour to succumb to their injuries. Imagine the pain.
This cruelty isn’t wanted or needed.
A 2009 opinion poll found that the majority of Norwegians agree the suffering inflicted by whaling is unacceptable, and that only 1% of the population eats whale meat regularly.
Despite this, Norway continues to defy the whaling ban: 2010’s kill quota is the highest in 25 years. The government claims to receive little criticism over whaling. It’s time that changed.
Don’t stand by. Speak out against slaughter!
April 2010 sees Whalewatch members Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge, NOAH - for dyrs rettigheter and the World Society for the Protection of Animals deliver a petition to Norway’s Prime Minister. Calling for an end to whaling, it has been signed by thousands of Norwegians.
Speak out against the Slaughter-Whales need you
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