Stop and abolish the use of gas chambers and heart stick procedures to kill animals at animal pounds/services and shelters all over the United States of America.
The states that use gas chambers to annihilate dogs and cats at pounds and shelters are: Alabama, New York (soon to be banned), Georgia (soon to be banned), Connecticut, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Massachusetts, South Carolina, Louisiana, Michigan, Utah, Texas, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, West Virginia (banned but still being used at locations due to grandfathered laws).
The states that allow the use of heart stick procedures to kill animals are: New York (banned bill will go into effect Oct.2010), North Carolina, South Carolina, California and Maine.
On March 16th, 2010 House Representative Knox stood up for this cause and presented the Georgia House Bill 788, which passed with an overwhelming majority of 115 to 46 opposed, now it is on the Georgias Senate table. Legislators across the state of Georgia reported receiving enormous amounts of calls to ban the gas chambers.!/video/video.php?comments&v=101712093198478
At tax funded pounds/services/shelters animals are being tortured, stabbed in the heart or asphyxiated in gas chambers for them to die a gruesome death. The animals have already suffered enough by being neglected, abused, locked up and left out sick or injured to have to die in such a terrible way at tax funded animal centers.
America we need an immediate reform to stop this insanity.
We can not and should not wait until next year's legislation to request a ban to this torture. Animals are being killed everyday, over 5million in a year, under these terrible conditions!
We need to push for a compassionate and humane way to kill the unwanted sick animals, instead of the gas chambers or heart stick methods; if there is no other alternative than to kill them.
It is schocking, cruel and atrocious that these practices still exist in our country. Animals young and old are being placed in gas chambers by the hundreds to endure the most horrific and agonizing death, enduring pain and suffering while being asphyxiated. Some do not die and are placed back for a second gassing session; some suffocate in the plastic bags while being dumped at the landfills and others survive the whole ordeal and are found alive in the landfills among hundreds of the other dead cats and dogs.
The use of Heartstick euthanasia, opposed by the United States Humane Society is said to be applied when the animal is unconscious. The American Veterinary Medical Association says: "Intracardiac injection is acceptable only when performed on heavily sedated, anesthetized, dying or comatose animals, owing to the difficulty and unpredictability of performing the injection accurately." Although it is known that in practice animals have died horrific deaths, while being stabbed with a needle more than once before the syringe finds their hearts without being sedated.
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