To kill healthy pets due to lack of space is NOT acceptable but to kill healthy pets having space is CRIMINAL. It is not moral or ethical and it should be illegal.
It is outrageous that tax funded animal services / shelters make their own decisions to kill healthy and adoptable cats & dogs, some wait 3 days while others 5 and a few none; this passion to kill has compelled them to kill animals that have owners, that wear tags and that have microchips.
Do tax funded services/shelters receive more tax money when they claim to intake more animals?
We hear about atrocities being committed at animal services/shelters, such as killings in gas chambers and heart stick procedures. But also we hear about abuse of power, neglect and cruelty inflicted to the animals at the pounds/services/shelters.
The excuses in already closed court cases are: 'sorry we made a mistake and we fix the error when the technician in question was fired' or 'sorry we had mistaken your dog with the one in another cage' or 'sorry we did not realize that the pet had a chip'
Where are the laws that regulate animal pounds /services /shelters? Why are there no laws for pounds, services or shelters when their practices entail animal cruelty, abuse and neglect?
The Animal Welfare Act (Laboratory Animal Welfare Act of 1966, P.L. 89-544) is the only Federal Law for animal treatment in the United States of America. This law is meant for each State, it defines procedures with animal dealers, transportation, sales, exhibitors, as well as holding periods not to be less than 5 days to possible reunite lost pets with owners or adopters before selling pets to dealers.
THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF MANY CASES¬e_id=378276339700#!/notes/gloria-ulmer/another-case-of-borderline-animal-neglect-at-a-government-run-animal-center/378267694700¬e_id=378276339700#!/notes/gloria-ulmer/because-of-this-we-need-laws-for-animal-poundsservices-shelters/378276339700
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