Petition to stop the abuse of Donkey Taxis in Santorini | The Donkey Sanctuary
The Donkey Sanctuary condemns the Municipality of Santorini because of mistreatment of donkey taxis.
In the blistering heat this summer on the Greek Island of Santorini, thousands of tourists will unload from vast cruise ships and be ferried ashore to a port which leads to the small town of Thira. The options of getting to the town located high above the port are either by cable car or donkey taxi, but because the cable car is quickly flooded by the tourists, a queue quickly builds for the donkeys and mules.
Over 200 of them have been tied up in the hot sun for hours waiting for the first of the tourists to arrive. There is a shelter and water available a little way up the steps (which lead up to Thira) but the owners choose not to rest the animals at this location as it’s not convenient for them.
Petition to stop the abuse of Donkey Taxis in Santorini | The Donkey Sanctuary
Save 5000 wild Kimberley (Aust) horses being trucked 3000k to slaughter - The Petition Site
Please read - important information at end -
The government of West Australia has ordered the indigineous lease holders at Lake Gregory in the remote Kimberley region of West Australia to remove 5000 wild horses who have lived in the area for decades.
Starting as soon as next week the horses, including mares in foal, will be rounded up, crammed into trucks, and sent 3000 kilometers across central Australia to South Australia for slaughter and the meat exported overseas for human consumption.
The government states the horses are causing environmental damage, and yet have not put into place any population control and are happy to leave the 5000 cattle, who also graze this huge tract of land ,in place.
A local group is willing to work to manage the population by trap, neuter and release and use of fertility drugs - a humane, long term solution.
NOTE: WA Government requires name and address for each petition signer. Therefore anonymous signatures will not 'count' It does not have to be a full address- street, town would be great - country is automatically added. Also read 'thank you' e-mail for where to send e-mail of protest - or go direct to
we really need these - they count more than a petition signature. THANK YOU
Save 5000 wild Kimberley (Aust) horses being trucked 3000k to slaughter - The Petition Site
Increase the Penalty for Animal Cruelty in Ohio Petition
To: Senator David Goodman OHIO
Increase the Penalty for Animal Cruelty
In Support of Senate Bill 221 and House Bill 480
Ohio's animal cruelty law has not been changed since it was enacted in 1875. While other states are taking animal cruelty seriously, Ohio lawmakers have consistently refused to implement a law that punishes animal abusers. The Humane Society of the United States has named Ohio the worst state for pets due to its inadequate animal protection laws.
It is time we all took a stance in defense of those who cannot defend themselves. Animal cruelty is wrong, how we deal with cruelty issues effects us all as a nation. A person who maliciously tortures or mutilates an animal is a threat to everyone in the community. These people are more likely to also perpetrate violence against humans. It is time to say we will not allow this to continue.
We believe these bills go far to make changes in Ohio's 125-year-old anti-cruelty law, labeled the weakest in the nation by the state's own Legislative Service Commission. We agree it is time for Ohio to step into the 21st Century and support Senate Bill 221 and House Bill 480.
Increase the Penalty for Animal Cruelty in Ohio Petition
Stop Animal Abuse at Conklin Dairy Farms Ohio - The Petition Site
The video shows workers at the federally-subsidized farm holding down newborn calves and stomping on their heads. It shows one worker wiring a cow's nose to a metal bar near the ground and repeatedly beating it with another bar while it bleeds.
ohio dairy farm brutality
The video shows animal care that is clearly inconsistent with the high standards we set for our farm and its workers, and we find the specific mistreatment shown on the video to be reprehensible and unacceptable
Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality Homepage
Since 1995, Conklin Dairy Farms has received almost $36,000 in federal farm subsidies, according to a database of farm subsidies maintained by the Environmental Working Group. In 2009, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave Conklin Farms almost $12,000.
Stop Animal Abuse at Conklin Dairy Farms Ohio - The Petition Site
Dear Mr/Mrs,
I am writing to ask you to do all you can to support measures to ban the import, export and trade in products made from cat and dog fur. I am against the killing of any animal for their fur, but I feel this trade is particularly cruel and inhumane.
Cats and dogs are bred for their fur in Asia and their eventual slaughter is horrific shown at An estimated 2,000,000 dogs and cats are killed every year for the fur trade, mostly in the Far East, in countries such as China and the Philippines. A recent undercover investigation by the “Humane Society of the United States” in China, Thailand and the Philippines showed animals being slaughtered in the most cruel ways imaginable, with cats and dogs being beaten, strangled, drowned and stripped of their fur, often when they are still alive.
Dog and cat fur is used in a wide variety of products including fur coats and jackets, hats, gloves, decorative accessories, blankets...
Many of the pelts are intentionally mislabelled as fictional creatures such as Asian Jackal and Gaewolf or are labelled simply as 'animal by-products'. It is vital do something to stop it.
Yours sincerely,
Ban the bullfights in Atizapan, Mexico - The Petition Site
Violence, torture, blood and pain are definitely not the values that a just, well educated and sensitive society expects from the DIF in Atizapan (Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia). You can not care the social problems of the most vulnerable population, by betraying ethical principles. If a creature suffers, then there is no moral justification to keep on promoting charitable bullfights to raise money for children or elders.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. M. Gandhi.
Ban the bullfights in Atizapan, Mexico - The Petition Site
Stop the killing of Coyotes - The Petition Site
The State of RI is killing Coyotes because they think there are too many of them in them around neighborhoods. They don't ever attack unless they feel threatened. Another reason is because the Rabbit population around here is going down because of the Coyotes. This is just how things work in the animal kingdom. The state should not be killing these animals because people are not being careful. Please help in stopping the state from killing the Coyotes.
Stop the killing of Coyotes - The Petition Site
Foal's Found Dead and Dumped on BLM Land - The Petition Site
The powder River Rodeo Company had 12 foals shot and dumped on BLM land. As you can see from the picture that was in a public newspaper these foals were not starving they look healthy to me you can choose to sign this petition and help Boycott this rodeo company. In my Opinion This rodeo company shot the foals so the mares could get into shape for the up coming rodeos.
They called it a mercy killing HMMM... I dont think so I think it was I want to make money and these foals are in the way KILLLING. The newspaper article is in the Sublette Examiner. The Vet that looked at these poor horse also states there was no reason to kill these foals and if the mares were in poor shape the simple think for HANK FRANZEN to do Was To FEED them and take care of them neither one the moms or the babies would of died. please sign this petition..
The powder River Rodeo Company had 12 foals shot and dumped on BLM land. As you can see from the picture that was in a public newspaper these foals were not starving they look healthy to me you can choose to sign this petition and help Boycott this rodeo company. In my Opinion This rodeo company shot the foals so the mares could get into shape for the up coming rodeos.
They called it a mercy killing HMMM... I dont think so I think it was I want to make money and these foals are in the way KILLLING. The newspaper article is in the Sublette Examiner. The Vet that looked at these poor horse also states there was no reason to kill these foals and if the mares were in poor shape the simple think for HANK FRANZEN to do Was To FEED them and take care of them neither one the moms or the babies would of died. please sign this petition..
this is to boycott the powder river rodeo company.
Foal's Found Dead and Dumped on BLM Land - The Petition Site
Please stop the killing of stray dogs in Durres region - ALBANIA - The Petition Site
This petition is addressed to the Mayor of Durres .Please stop the killing of stray dogs in Durres region becasue there are plenty other ways to resolve the issue without killing any defensless animal and we as human beeing can offer our voluntary work to stop this from happening. Please everyone from anywhere in the world sign this petition leaving your name and surname in order to send this petition to the Mayor of Durres in Albania with the hope that this will put a stop to whats about to begin this summer season in the Durres district.
AAWPA - Albanian Association for Welfare and Protection of Animals
SHSHKMK - Shoqata Shqipetare per Mbrojtjen dhe Kujdesjen e Kafsheve
Thank you
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated (Mahatma Gandhi).
ps: Our website is
and our facebook fan page is!/pages/AAWPA-Albanian-Association-for-Welfare-and-Protection-of-Animals/159244129256
Please stop the killing of stray dogs in Durres region - ALBANIA - The Petition Site
Dogs Speak Out Against Dog Fighting
Meet Susie!| Help her to end animal abuse in N.C. by supporting “Susie’s Law”.
The bill would make this crime a Class H felony. It is currently a Class A misdemeanor. G.S. 14-360(a1)
Also, under GS 14-360(b) any person who would "maliciously torture, mutilate, maim, cruelly beat, disfigure, poison, or kill, or cause or procure to be tortured, mutilated, maimed, cruelly beaten, disfigured, poisoned, or killed, any animal" would be guilty of a Class H felony instead of the current Class I felony.
H.B. 1690 is named for Susie, a puppy that was beaten and burned; the little animal was left for dead. LaShawn Whitehead, Susie's abuser, received a sentence of 4-6 months in jail for burning personal property and a 4-5 month suspended sentence for animal cruelty. That's it.
WHAT YOU CAN DO and more info:
Meet Susie!| Help her to end animal abuse in N.C. by supporting “Susie’s Law”.
Tell Delta Airlines to PLEASE FIND Paco! - The Petition Site
Hi, my name is Josiah and I recently travelled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with Delta Airlines, and I am so appalled by them I can't stand it. I booked my flights online, and that part went smoothly, but that's the only good part of my traveling with them. I flew out of Detroit Metro in the early morning of April 24th 2010, and flew to Atlanta to catch a transfer which would take me to Puerto Vallarta. After arriving about an hour late and having to run to catch my plane, they said that they weren't boarding any more passengers, but were taking an extra fifteen minutes to load all the baggage on the plane. When we arrived in Puerto Vallarta I was informed that, along with most people who were on the original flight from Detroit, my baggage never left the Atlanta airport, and I had to wait until the next day to receive all of my clothes and necessities for traveling.
Now, while I know that this isn't too out of the ordinary, and that airlines have baggage delayed quite commonly, the next issue is one that is completely unacceptable and should never happen regardless of circumstances. When in Mexico, my girlfriend and I rescued a stray dog which our hosts said had been seen all over the town. We took him to the vet's, got him all of his shots, an eye infection treated, two baths to clean him from hundreds of dog ticks that were covering his whole body, and gave him the name Paco. After this treatment at the vet clinic, we had to spend multiple additional hours picking more ticks from his body. We soon discovered that this dog was a very lucky find, and that it would be loyal and friendly to my girlfriend and I. It would walk by my side along the beach and along the sidewalks, went to the washroom outside, didn't bark at cars or other dogs, and would sleep on the bed next to us curled up in a ball quite contently. My girlfriend and I were both very excited to take him back home to Canada with us, and we quite readily paid for an airline approved pet carrier and the costs associated with checking a pet on an airplane to travel as baggage, as he was too big to be taken as carry-on.
Everything went smoothly traveling with AeroM%uFFFDxico from Puerto Vallarta to Mexico City, where we had a five hour layover. We took the dog out so he could go to the bathroom and stretch his legs in-between our flights, and two hours before we departed from Mexico City to Detroit Metro we checked him with Delta for the flight. It took us a whole hour to check the dog because Delta said that the pet carrier we purchased was not big enough, despite the vet who treated the dog saying it was large enough, and it meeting all the criteria such as the dog being able to turn around and stand up. We spent the hour trying to convince the Delta employee that the carrier was large enough, and after seeing two separate supervisors, we had to sign a waiver saying that if my dog Paco received any injuries as a result of the size of the carrier, that Delta Airlines was not responsible.
After the fiasco of the size of the carrier being an issue, they assured us that Paco would be alright and transported safely to Detroit. However, when we arrived in Detroit and waited for twenty minutes at the pet claim, we began to suspect that something was wrong. We spent two hours in the Detroit Metro Airport trying to sort out what had happened to our dog, and we were told that it was never loaded on the plane in the first place, and that it was forgotten in Mexico City but would be cared for by Delta employees and walked, fed, watered, and would be sent on the next flight to Detroit, and then get delivered to my house in Ontario, Canada.
When I called Delta the following day to ask if Paco had been flown to Detroit yet, no one seemed to have any answers or have any idea about the location of my dog. I was shocked. I had been told explicitly that my dog was being cared for in Mexico City by Delta until he could be flown and delivered to me, and now they were telling me that they didn't know where my dog was. I had my host in Mexico call the Mexico City Airport to get some answers, and she spent hours being transferred from person to person, each one having no idea what happened to my dog, she was finally told that my dog had somehow escaped from the carrier and disappeared. I do not believe for a second that Paco escaped from his carrier. It was a very secure hard plastic pet carrier with two locks and a metal wire door, and there is no way a small dog (he looked like a mix of a wiener dog and a jack russell) could scratch or break his way out of it.
If indeed he did somehow manage to escape from the carrier, why would I not have been informed of this in the first place? I was told that he was accounted for and being cared for in Mexico City, then that no one had any idea where he was, and then that he had escaped from the carrier.
There is no excuse for this kind of situation to take place, and I expect that when you pay to have a live animal flown with you to take him home, that Delta Airlines would take every precaution and action needed to make sure that is what happens. My dog is likely either still in his carrier in a corner, having not eaten or drank for over 48 hours, or he is lost in the Mexico City Airport terrified and starving.
The only thing Delta has tried to do to rectify this situation is offering their apology and refunding the cost for transporting a pet ($200.00USD) in a credit to be used with Delta Airlines. I think that this is completely absurd as there is no chance of me flying with Delta Airlines again.Hi, my name is Josiah and I recently travelled to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with Delta Airlines, and I am so appalled by them I can't stand it. I booked my flights online, and that part went smoothly, but that's the only good part of my traveling with them. I flew out of Detroit Metro in the early morning of April 24th 2010, and flew to Atlanta to catch a transfer which would take me to Puerto Vallarta. After arriving about an hour late and having to run to catch my plane, they said that they weren't boarding any more passengers, but were taking an extra fifteen minutes to load all the baggage on the plane. When we arrived in Puerto Vallarta I was informed that, along with most people who were on the original flight from Detroit, my baggage never left the Atlanta airport, and I had to wait until the next day to receive all of my clothes and necessities for traveling.
Now, while I know that this isn't too out of the ordinary, and that airlines have baggage delayed quite commonly, the next issue is one that is completely unacceptable and should never happen regardless of circumstances. When in Mexico, my girlfriend and I rescued a stray dog which our hosts said had been seen all over the town. We took him to the vet's, got him all of his shots, an eye infection treated, two baths to clean him from hundreds of dog ticks that were covering his whole body, and gave him the name Paco. After this treatment at the vet clinic, we had to spend multiple additional hours picking more ticks from his body. We soon discovered that this dog was a very lucky find, and that it would be loyal and friendly to my girlfriend and I. It would walk by my side along the beach and along the sidewalks, went to the washroom outside, didn't bark at cars or other dogs, and would sleep on the bed next to us curled up in a ball quite contently. My girlfriend and I were both very excited to take him back home to Canada with us, and we quite readily paid for an airline approved pet carrier and the costs associated with checking a pet on an airplane to travel as baggage, as he was too big to be taken as carry-on.
Everything went smoothly traveling with AeroM%uFFFDxico from Puerto Vallarta to Mexico City, where we had a five hour layover. We took the dog out so he could go to the bathroom and stretch his legs in-between our flights, and two hours before we departed from Mexico City to Detroit Metro we checked him with Delta for the flight. It took us a whole hour to check the dog because Delta said that the pet carrier we purchased was not big enough, despite the vet who treated the dog saying it was large enough, and it meeting all the criteria such as the dog being able to turn around and stand up. We spent the hour trying to convince the Delta employee that the carrier was large enough, and after seeing two separate supervisors, we had to sign a waiver saying that if my dog Paco received any injuries as a result of the size of the carrier, that Delta Airlines was not responsible.
After the fiasco of the size of the carrier being an issue, they assured us that Paco would be alright and transported safely to Detroit. However, when we arrived in Detroit and waited for twenty minutes at the pet claim, we began to suspect that something was wrong. We spent two hours in the Detroit Metro Airport trying to sort out what had happened to our dog, and we were told that it was never loaded on the plane in the first place, and that it was forgotten in Mexico City but would be cared for by Delta employees and walked, fed, watered, and would be sent on the next flight to Detroit, and then get delivered to my house in Ontario, Canada.
When I called Delta the following day to ask if Paco had been flown to Detroit yet, no one seemed to have any answers or have any idea about the location of my dog. I was shocked. I had been told explicitly that my dog was being cared for in Mexico City by Delta until he could be flown and delivered to me, and now they were telling me that they didn't know where my dog was. I had my host in Mexico call the Mexico City Airport to get some answers, and she spent hours being transferred from person to person, each one having no idea what happened to my dog, she was finally told that my dog had somehow escaped from the carrier and disappeared. I do not believe for a second that Paco escaped from his carrier. It was a very secure hard plastic pet carrier with two locks and a metal wire door, and there is no way a small dog (he looked like a mix of a wiener dog and a jack russell) could scratch or break his way out of it.
If indeed he did somehow manage to escape from the carrier, why would I not have been informed of this in the first place? I was told that he was accounted for and being cared for in Mexico City, then that no one had any idea where he was, and then that he had escaped from the carrier.
There is no excuse for this kind of situation to take place, and I expect that when you pay to have a live animal flown with you to take him home, that Delta Airlines would take every precaution and action needed to make sure that is what happens. My dog is likely either still in his carrier in a corner, having not eaten or drank for over 48 hours, or he is lost in the Mexico City Airport terrified and starving.
The only thing Delta has tried to do to rectify this situation is offering their apology and refunding the cost for transporting a pet ($200.00USD) in a credit to be used with Delta Airlines. I think that this is completely absurd as there is no chance of me flying with Delta Airlines again.
Tell Delta Airlines to PLEASE FIND Paco! - The Petition Site
Please sign to help punish animal abusers in Greece
Ministers of Agriculture and Justice
With this letter ι express the emotions I feel watching the animal abuse taking place in every city of Greece. The incidents of abuse of animals is now daily. Resulting in an overall climate of impunity and indifference of the competent authorities. The current penalties are too low (Law 3170/2003 Article 8.1/2/3. Violators of Article 1, paragraphs 1,2,3 and 4 are punishable by imprisonment up to six months or a fine of three hundred to one thousand five hundred euro or with both penalties.) These are not minimum penalties applicable in practice since few are just complaints because of the low penalties and the lack of knowledge of citizens about their rights. This has irreversible effect on the image of Greece to the foreign countries.
As a English/ European citizen, I urge you to take steps immediately to remedy the situation which includes:
-Overpopulation of stray animals, dogs and cats in our country;
-Lack of application program sterilization and birth control, veterinary surveillance of stray animals by the majority of municipalities, responsible for stray dogs and cats;
- Lack of awareness of the need for sterilization to avoid a stray from its own citizens holders animal.
The result of this situation is the increasing number of stray and daily abuse of stray animals and all kinds of non-animal lovers, psychopathological or unscrupulous people.
The following forms of abuse raised by the media (press, television and internet) that caught my attention: -Choking in a bag or disposal in streams systematically puppy or unwanted cats born from despozomena animals belonging to citizens,
- Maintain crowd animals from individuals by either collectors or individuals who seek to profit by reproducing animals in appalling conditions (hellish-illegal private farms),
-Abandonment and brutal abuse of animals by their owners for lack of sufficient knowledge, indifference or psychopathology: burning, maintaining a narrow balcony stationary, amputation, staple-strap to injury.
- Abuse of stray animals: shooting, hanging, choking, tying in barrels or by crook hanging to death, poisoning , using the meat for human consumption or for the preparation of food for humans or animals,
- Violence to animals used in field of entertainment or for work or food for profit.
These animal abuse cases are everyday facts and therefore require measures to immediately halt the state directly related to human violence. Surveys now show
a. that all the 'famous' killers had started using violence to animals
"Researchers like the FBI and other law enforcement authorities in the territory have made the connection between violence to animals and domestic violence, violence against minors, the" serial killers "and the recent wave of murders of children under school age with tonDr. Randall Lockwood, vice president of Training Initiatives for The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) ».
b. Those who exercise violence to animals is a potential perpetrator in cases of abuse of people or children. "In a survey based on 57 families who were in treatment for abuse, 88% also abused animals. In three quarters of cases was kakopoiitikos parent who was killed or injured badly these animals to control be imposed on the child. The third child had been abused animals using them as a unique outlet for the anger trapped. (Quoted from The American Humane Association) »
I ask you to revise immediately the Law 3170/2003 in order to transform the abuse to a felony in order to have an inhibitory effect and prevent future incidents of abuse of animals associated with potential violence towards humans. As a citizen, I expect you to act now because this situation does no credit to your country and laid the groundwork for future cases of abuse of people and children.
Yours sincerely
Please sign to help punish animal abusers in Greece
End the Pet Primate Trade - The Petition Site
The U.S. Senate is the last hurdle for the Captive Primate Safety Act that would end the trade in "pet" primates.

The Captive Primate Safety Act (H.R. 80) will prohibit the import, export, and interstate commerce in nonhuman "pet" primates. Here's the bottom line: Wildlife belongs in the wild. The Senate must pass this important bill -- please contact your senators right now.
End the Pet Primate Trade - The Petition Site
Claim revenge for the poor burnt Aura! - The Petition Site

Claim revenge for the poor burnt Aura! - The Petition Site
"Stop Plans To Build An Animal-Testing Laboratory in Malacca, Malaysia - The Petition Site

Malaysia currently has no specific legislation governing the use of animals in research. This would be detrimental to the issue of animal welfare as the proposed laboratory will be designed to house nonhuman primates, dogs and small animals. Vivo Biotech's website lists it as a company that carries out extensive animal research, including toxicity testing, on a variety of species for a number of purposes, amongst which is its controversial use for cosmetic products.
It has also been reported that primates could be sourced locally in Malaysia. This move will be at direct variance to the Malaysian government's stand in re-instating the ban on the export of primates for research in 2008. Needless to say, the setting up of the animal laboratory in Malacca can only result in immense suffering, misery and death being inflicted on thousands of animals, aside from potentially facilitating the trade in wild-caught primates within Malaysia.
Hence, we oppose the construction of this facility both for ethical reasons and for the lack of scientific validity in extrapolating data obtained from animal testing to humans. Instead, a progressive society would explore the wide range of non-animal techniques that, as well as being a more humane approach in gaining scientific knowledge, can also prove to be cheaper, quicker and more effective.
We earnestly urge you to act in all expediency to quash this proposal as allowing the facility to materialize will not only result in the needless suffering and death of thousands of animals every year, but will also undoubtedly have a negative and detrimental impact on Malaysia's image worldwide.
Thank you.
For more information, please read our Action Alert >>
Sponsored by SPCA Selangor, Friends of The Earth Malaysia, British Union For The Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE)
We, the undersigned, urgently request that you take the necessary steps to halt the proposal to construct an animal testing facility in Malacca, Malaysia by the Malaysian government-owned Melaka Biotech and Vivo BioTech, an Indian contract testing company.
Malaysia currently has no specific legislation governing the use of animals in research. This would be detrimental to the issue of animal welfare as the proposed laboratory will be designed to house nonhuman primates, dogs and small animals. Vivo Biotech's website lists it as a company that carries out extensive animal research, including toxicity testing, on a variety of species for a number of purposes, amongst which is its controversial use for cosmetic products.
It has also been reported that primates could be sourced locally in Malaysia. This move will be at direct variance to the Malaysian government's stand in re-instating the ban on the export of primates for research in 2008. Needless to say, the setting up of the animal laboratory in Malacca can only result in immense suffering, misery and death being inflicted on thousands of animals, aside from potentially facilitating the trade in wild-caught primates within Malaysia.
Hence, we oppose the construction of this facility both for ethical reasons and for the lack of scientific validity in extrapolating data obtained from animal testing to humans. Instead, a progressive society would explore the wide range of non-animal techniques that, as well as being a more humane approach in gaining scientific knowledge, can also prove to be cheaper, quicker and more effective.
We earnestly urge you to act in all expediency to quash this proposal as allowing the facility to materialize will not only result in the needless suffering and death of thousands of animals every year, but will also undoubtedly have a negative and detrimental impact on Malaysia's image worldwide.
Thank you.
For more information, please read our Action Alert >>
We, the undersigned, urgently request that you take the necessary steps to halt the proposal to construct an animal testing facility in Malacca, Malaysia by the Malaysian government-owned Melaka Biotech and Vivo BioTech, an Indian contract testing company.
Malaysia currently has no specific legislation governing the use of animals in research. This would be detrimental to the issue of animal welfare as the proposed laboratory will be designed to house nonhuman primates, dogs and small animals. Vivo Biotech's website lists it as a company that carries out extensive animal research, including toxicity testing, on a variety of species for a number of purposes, amongst which is its controversial use for cosmetic products.
It has also been reported that primates could be sourced locally in Malaysia. This move will be at direct variance to the Malaysian government's stand in re-instating the ban on the export of primates for research in 2008. Needless to say, the setting up of the animal laboratory in Malacca can only result in immense suffering, misery and death being inflicted on thousands of animals, aside from potentially facilitating the trade in wild-caught primates within Malaysia.
Hence, we oppose the construction of this facility both for ethical reasons and for the lack of scientific validity in extrapolating data obtained from animal testing to humans. Instead, a progressive society would explore the wide range of non-animal techniques that, as well as being a more humane approach in gaining scientific knowledge, can also prove to be cheaper, quicker and more effective.
We earnestly urge you to act in all expediency to quash this proposal as allowing the facility to materialize will not only result in the needless suffering and death of thousands of animals every year, but will also undoubtedly have a negative and detrimental impact on Malaysia's image worldwide.
"Stop Plans To Build An Animal-Testing Laboratory in Malacca, Malaysia - The Petition Site
Paw Justice! Help Amend The Animal Welfare Act - The Petition Site

This is why Paw Justice was created, as we believe that there is no excuse for this shocking behavior. Paw justice is for YOUR pet, this is YOUR campaign to give YOUR pet a voice.
All we ask is that you sign the Paw Justice petition if you share the same belief that we do - people who hurt, torture or kill animals must be brought to justice! The petition is about making amendments to the Animal Welfare Act, to increase the maximum jail sentence to a five year period and to introduce a sensible sentencing for offenders that seriously mistreatment our animals. As so many offenders have not paid the price for their crimes against our animals.
Paw Justice is standing up for the 1.6 million cats and dogs that live as part of a family in New Zealand. We are uniting good pet owners and animal lovers together and sending a loud message that harming animals is wrong, only together as a nation joined as one voice can we put a stop to this shocking rise of animal abuse. If you believe in what we are doing, you have already become a spokesperson for your pet.
Please Sign And Support PAW JUSTICE!
Paw Justice! Help Amend The Animal Welfare Act - The Petition Site
Stop Rapa Das Bestas, Horse Wrestling in Spain ! - The Petition Site
The Rapa Das Bestas is an ancient horse wrestling festival in Galicia, Spain, where people gather some 600-700 untamed horses in a corral, and men and women of all ages brutally wrestle them to the ground with their bare hands to cut their manes and tales out and brand them. Townspeople claim they are doing it for the horses since many of these are wild horses; the branding is needed to ensure they are protected. Not only does the event cause great distress for the animals, if branding is needed, wild horses should be gently handled using humane chutes. Cutting of the horses' manes and tails removes the horses' natural defenses from flying insects. While the people of Galicia find see this cruel festival as a tradition, officials state that horse wrestling is a %u201Dpart of life%u201D.
This fiesta goes on for about three days starting the first Saturday of July. Please take action and demand a stop on this festival!
Stop Rapa Das Bestas, Horse Wrestling in Spain ! - The Petition Site
"Elephants and Other Animals Suffering at the Hands of the Carson & Barnes Circus" petition

"Elephants and Other Animals Suffering at the Hands of the Carson & Barnes Circus" petition
Get Justice for Emily!!! - The Petition Site

Monday April 12th he had called and we had a argument about visitation with our son. I wouldn't agree to let his girlfriend take him for the summer, that I wanted dog was shot and killed around that same time. I immediately called the cops when his girlfriend and her kids told me what had happened. He beat Emily constantly and currently beats his girlfriends dog...she wants to get out but he is very good at mentally abusing and scaring her. All who knew Emily loved her very much, she was such a good natured dog! Protective and playful of the kids..He told our 5 year old son that someone else had shot Emily, I want to see him pay the full price for killing a lovable, innocent dog! I wanted her back!!! He refused and shot her instead! That is inhumane and cruel in my book! I will not rest until Emily has gotten the justice she deserves!!
*UPDATE finally, something being done, it's under investigation and the g/f finally told the sheriff that he did say he got "rid" of her and "had to" As far as people thinking I just left her, I didn't...I wanted her back and he refused and the cops refused to help me get her back! You need to understand where I live and KNOW that I am not only doing this for justice but also to raise awareness to the people in my area that this is a law and needs to be followed like the rest! It is my fault for leaving her there and I take the blame every day since I found out, she was my baby!
Get Justice for Emily!!! - The Petition Site