Find and prosecute the thugs who killed the dog in Dublin with fireworks - The Petition Site
On Wednesday 15th of September 2010, Gardai in Finglas in Dublin, Ireland were alerted by members of the public who reported seeing a severely injured dog on Cardfiffbridge Road, Finglas. The dog had been maliciously handed a lit firework by a gang of youths and had lost the entire bottom of its jaw. Gardai rushed to the scene and managed to contain the injured animal.
Inspector Liam Kinsella responded to the emergency and rushed the dog to the Dublin SPCA veterinary surgeon, however there was no alternative but to euthanize the dog immediately as repair or recovery were impossible. Both Gardai and Dublin SPCA were shocked and appalled by the incident.

Find and prosecute the thugs who killed the dog in Dublin with fireworks - The Petition Site
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