No - Kill Shelters in Portugal - The Petition Site Many companion animals are slaughtered in many portuguese shelters during the last decade. That figure is equivalent to desumanity and no control with animal population by spay and neutering. Please join together for a common cause : To stop the killing of dogs and cats in our municipal shelters. Whether you are a rescuer of many, an animal caregiver of few or simply a concerned individual, if you beleive that a shelter should be a safe place for animals that leads to their eventual placement into loving, adoptive homes, please help us to end this cruel practice - kill shelters in Portugal. Now we have also alarming news from Set�bal Shelter - another slaughterhouse in this country, lost and without course. Set�bal will have a newshelter and the Vet responsible for it to start energy, simply will sacrifice all the animals, young, old, healthy and sick who are in the shelter. Please we have to save the largest number of animals from this cruel situation.
We want our public government to know we have sat on the sidelines long enough for them to make the right choices. Their decisions have cost the lives of thousands of our community animals. We now have to take a stand. We demand that our representatives yield to the will of their constituents. They must stop the killing now !

No - Kill Shelters in Portugal - The Petition Site
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