A Robeson County couple where on their way to the Animal urgent care at 3635 Sycamore Dairy Rd, Fayetteville NC, when less than two blocks away they where pulled over by Fayetteville Police Officer R. G. Ferguson for the tint on the windows of their car being too dark. They rolled down all windows as the officer approached and the officer said " you dont have a killer dog in there do ya?" they advised him the dogs was seizing and needed to get to the vet which was located around the corner, asking that the officer follow them there and continue with giving them the ticket at that location so the dog could been seen as soon as possible. Officer Ferguson refused to let them drive off, saying he had never heard of an emergency vet in Fayetteville, took their licenses and proceeded to sit in his car for twenty minutes. He then walked back to the car, stuck a tint measuring machine to the windows, then went back to his car where he wrote out tickets, the driver was not licensed but did have a permit with restricted driving yet the officer told them if they pulled away they would be at risk of being arrested. The driver pulled into a parking space where officer Ferguson then pulled into the space next to them, sat there for twenty more minutes until the dog took her last breath, then he drove away. The couple of course rushed over to the Animal Urgent care where their dog was pronounced dead just moments later by an employee named Kim. The gentlemen, Mr. Thompson of Lumberton, NC called the police department and spoke with Fergusons Sergent who stated that they where all animal lovers but that Ferguson had done nothing wrong. Officer Ferguson should be held accountable for his actions, this IS a form of animal neglect and abuse and I feel he should be charged for allowing a dog to suffer. This information has been passed on to PETA and the HSUS. The only thing that stopped that officer from allowing them to continue was his power trip he feels from wearing that badge. PLEASE email or call the Fayetteville police department and ask that Officer Ferguson be required to attend an animal empathy class so that he understands the importance of dogs as family members .. and the police departments motto is " Be the best of the badge", did he do his best?
You can calll Chief Tom Bergamine at (910) 433-1819 UPDATE*** I received an email from the Sgt who is over the complaints for the department he is looking into the situation!! Sgt. P. Brewington Office of Professional Standards Fayetteville Police Department (910)433-1823Please call him and let him know your thoughts on the lack of compassion from this officer for a dying animal!! PLEASE CROSS POST AND RE POST!!!
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