In Thailand and Burma it is not illegal to keep Monkeys in-humanely. Unwanted animals are given to local temples. This Monkey is "cared for" by Monks at a temple in Burma. He lives in a cage and is taunted everyday. Please help us to stop this by signing our petition to the Thai and Burmese government. OUR AIM: To enable legitimate Monkey sanctuaries in Thailand or qualified animal welfare people to over-ride the Monks and be able to take the Monkeys into a safer, happier and more natural environment...
OUR AIM: To send this petition to the Thai government to make them aware of the problem and to give the Sanctuary a written authority to take the Monkeys into their care.
PLEASE HELP US BY SIGNING OUR PETITION and if you can donating some money to the Monkey re-homing project...
Please see our website for ways to donate:
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