Turkish and English Descriptions of this petition is below.
Bu imza kampanyasinin Ingilizce ve Turkce aciklamalari asagidadir.
TURKCE: Jeanne D'Arc icin bu imza kampanyasini imzalamak icin buraya geldiginiz icin cok tesekkurler.
Imzalamak icin Name (Isim), Soyadi (Lastname) ve Street Adress (Adres), City (Sehir) kismini tamamlayin. Non-USA yazan yere tiklayin. Acilan kutucukta Turkiyeyi secin. SIGN yazan yere basin. Imzaniz eklenecektir. Dilekceyi gormek icin "View Petition Text" kutusuna tiklayin.
ENGLISH: Jean D'Arc was a severely disabled dog living in Tekirdag, Turkey. She was a double amputee stray dog living in the Tekridag animal shelter. She had two adoption prospects one in Istanbul and another in Germany. The day they went to the Tekirdag shelter to get her, the volunteers learned that she disappeared. This was 10 days ago. A number of people inquired to the Tekridag County to find out what had happened to this poor soul. All people heard were conflicting stories. They said she was not one of the shelter dogs. They said she used to come to the shelter and disappear for a couple of days. When the volunteers asked about the beer bottles in the shelter cages, no one gave an answer.
At last, Tekirday county officials said that they found the body of the poor girl. The volunteers wanted to retrieve the body to perform a necropsy to figure out what happened. The county was silent.
The petition you are about to sign is going to the County Official Director and the Country Veterinarian, asking them to give the body of the Jean D'Arc to the volunteers for further investigation and start an investigation to find out the illegal activities going on in the shelter.
Please help Jeanne D'Arc find peace and justice.
Gulsebnem Bishop
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