Coweta County, GA - The photo of the broken-down dog immediately touched the hearts of those that viewed it. The beautiful, yet sad face of the dog labeled "Old Yeller" was taken at the
Coweta County Animal Control.
Georgia Humane Society (GHS) learned about Old Yeller on Sunday morning, they made the decision to pull the dog from the Coweta County Animal Control and take him into their organization as one of their sanctuary pets - in other words, offer the dog, whom they were told was 15 yrs-old, a permanent, safe and loving place to live.
When the president of GHS phoned the county animal shelter on Monday morning, she was informed that Old Yeller had died. Shockingly, a short time later, she was phoned again, and informed that the dog was actually alive.
In explanation of the strange exchange, it is surmised that shelter officials saw the dog not moving in the kennel and assumed that he was dead. When someone actually checked, they discovered that he was indeed alive.
After jumping through the hoops necessary to remove Old Yeller from the animal control facility, GHS president, Michelle, went to the shelter to retrieve the beleagured dog. She had been told that he had no injuries, but that he was "old and dying" and that the shelter would not help to pay for any medical that he might need.
So frail was the dog, that he was unable to walk - his face showed his obvious pain. Old Yeller, renamed "JoJo" by GHS, was immediately transported to a veterinarian. The findings were shocking and heart-breaking.
The dog was not 15 yrs of age as the animal control officers had indicated - instead, he was estimated to be between 5-7 years of age. Upon examination, it ws determined that all four of his legs were broken and he was suffering from Tetanus (Lock jaw). His body was covered with pressure sores from laying and not being able to move and due to the Tetanus, he was unable to open his mouth, so he had not eaten in days.
So horrific were his wounds and so great was his suffering, that Michelle and the veterinarian made the painful decision to end JoJo's suffering humanely - surrounded by loving hands, the broken dog passed gently and peacefully - finally out of pain and no longer suffering.
So many aspects of this story are disturbing and downright torturous. It was speculated that JoJo had been hit by a car because he was found lying beneath a house when animal control was initially called. No one is certain, but there is supposition that it was his
own owners that called animal control to take him in. No one knows how long the injured dog lamented under the house.
Knowing that the dog was most likely injured by a vehicle, it is even more disturbing that he was allowed to suffer so greatly at the Coweta County animal shelter. The shelter has a veterinarian on staff -
why was JoJo not examined?
Why was the injured dog not treated or humanely euthanized?
Why was he allowed to suffer for so long?
The kind individuals at the Georgia Humane Society are devastated by the loss of this beautiful dog, but they are also outraged. What type of a system, in a "developed" nation such as the United States, allows
abuses like this to happen under government (taxpayer) funded organizations? Why is there no oversight to prevent abuses of this sort?
Please take a moment and write to the state officials in Georgia and let them know that you have had enough of this backwards mentality. The United States is a progressive country, yet animal welfare is almost medieval in portions of the nation.
Contact information (Please be professional and straight-forward in your correspondence):
- Coweta County Administrators (Board of Commissioners): Administration Office, Coweta County Administration Building, 22 East Broad Street, Newnan, GA 30263, (770) 254-2601
- U.S. Representative District 8, Lynn West Moreland,1501 E. Hwy 34 Ste B, Newnan, GA 30265
- U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss, 416 Russell Senate Office Bldg, Washington D.C. 20510
- U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson, 200 Russell Senate Office Bldg, Washington D.C. 20510
- State Senator %u2013 District 28 Mitch Seabaugh, 322-B Legislative Office Bldg, Atlanta, GA 30334
JoJo (Old Yeller) need not die in vain. Change must happen, but change can not and will not happen in animal shelters i
f people do not speak up and voice their anger and offer their solutions.
Rest In Peace JoJo - there are no words for what you had to endure during your last days on this earth. Blessings to the kind people at the Georgia Humane Society that took JoJo from the animal care facility,
offering him love in his final moments.
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Please help us by writing letters or calling the authorities that are listed in this petition,please sign and forward to as many people as possible.We as a humane society cannot let this go un-punished ,justice must be served.Thank you