Voor betere wetgeving inzake dieren - For better legislation for animals - The Petition Site

Sunday 29 May 2011
Voor betere wetgeving inzake dieren - For better legislation for animals - The Petition Site

Target - Belgian Government

This petition will be handed over to our government leaders for an adaption and activation of a good and adequat legislation for the animals and with in particular the following points :

  • Punishment of animal neglect, abuse, dumping,
  • Compliance with the ban on the trade of animals in stores, public places and stop the illegal importation with strict control and punishment
  • Heavy penalties and prosecution and implementation of verification body for daily operations and to ensure their implementation (ie extension of existing body or collaboration with independent newly created service)
  • Raising awareness of people that overconsumption leads to an even larger animal abuse and neglect of mainly small animals and livestock, consumption of meat annually saves many animals from cruel treatment and slaughter
  • Prohibition of vivisection and mill breeding
  • Finally see animals as living beings rather than as an article.



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